I enjoy playing video games in new game plus mode. What’s that? New game plus is an option that allows you to replay a video game with all of the upgrades you acquired for the game character or characters. Some video games offer difficulty settings that can make the game challenging with respect to an upgraded character. However, after mastering a game’s mechanics at a certain level, much of the challenge can wane.
Many gamers will impose their own set of restrictions when playing a new game plus in order to provide some additional resistance to accomplishing goals within the game. I do this quite often. Examples of this could include restrictions on the use of some in-game, environmental resources; limited access to the character’s arsenal; or time-based restrictions on achieving certain goals.
Days Gone is a video game that centers on Deacon St. John, or Deek, for short. Deek is among the limited number of survivors of a viral outbreak that has either killed or mutated the vast majority of the global population. The few remaining survivors must persist among depleted resources and the threat of violent, infected humans and animals, collectively called “freakers”. Deek’s journey covers his continued survival alongside his fellow survivor, best friend, trusted companion, and fraternal motorcycle club member, Boozer.
I’m attracted to the concept of playing a new game plus in Days Gone because I like the idea of tackling the game with Deek’s full set of unique skills. Therefore, I created a set of criteria that provide some challenge when I play a new game plus.

Deek receives a plethora of upgrades once a normal, new game is completed. Provided that the player has acquired enough skill points and camp credits, Deek will have access to a large contingent of survival skills, weaponry and resource recipes to make himself a one-man army. Additionally, the player will have likely upgraded Deek’s motorcycle to its maximum potential, making it both a reliable mode of transportation and a viable weapon, in some instances. Deek will also have an abundance of both trust and credits associated with the survival camps that he will both partner with and gain resources from. In an unrestricted new game plus mode, Deek can purchase whatever he wants and face no resistance to building an unstoppable arsenal.
This challenge focuses on replicating some of the same restrictions to both weaponry and motorcycle upgrades that are found in the new game mode. Further, this challenge rebalances the credit system, creating restrictions with regard to the acquisition of resources such as gasoline, auxiliary weaponry (grenades, etc.), motorcycle repair and other resources that can be accessed at camps. The goal is to recreate an engagement in the game loop that is typically non-existent in the new game plus mode while still allowing the enjoyment of having all of Deek’s survival skills available in his skill tree – skills that cannot be restricted in new game plus mode, anyway.
This challenge can be applied to any of the game’s difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, Hard I, Hard II, Survival I, and Survival II. I normally play this challenge in Survival II because it adds to the immersion. There is no persistent HUD, and the lack of fast travel forces me to engage with the open world. Considering the additional restrictions, I find it helpful to hunt for both meat and bounties between missions in order to earn valuable challenge credits (see “Credit System: Challenge Credits” below). This is another goal of the challenge: creating opportunities for more interaction with the world of Days Gone. In a normal, unrestricted new game plus, there is little reason to interact with the world since we likely have all the trust and credits that we need to purchase supplies and resources, without limitations.
The following are the rules for the challenge, along with some associated reasoning based on the game’s current world building. This section covers the specifics of the challenge. The basis for randomization, credit system and resource restrictions will be covered.
Clock Seed
The game clock in Days Gone is important because it will be used for the two randomized aspects of the challenge: 1) gas can contents, and 2) horde assignments.
In order to access the randomized data needed, we’ll need to check the single minutes column of the game clock. For example, if the clock reads “12:34 AM”, then we are interested in the number “4”. This data will be referred to as the “clock seed”. This number will be used to determine either how much gasoline is in a gas can or which horde has been assigned, if any.
The game clock can be viewed on the Map screen.

Credit System: Challenge Credits
We likely have an overabundance of in-game credits at each survivor camp in the new game plus mode. This approach to earning challenge credits both resets on each replay in a new game plus run and pushes us to engage in the game loop in order to earn credits if we want to make purchases in the world.
Note: The credit earnings and resource price schedules in this writeup are suggestions based on challenge credits. These values can be modified to either increase or decrease the difficulty of the challenge. We can feel free to adjust these values to our liking. See call outs in relevant sections of this article for ideas.
Credits are universally accepted in this challenge. All credits are awarded by a common credit system that is shared among all camps in the world of Days Gone.
Variable Challenge: If we want to add an additional challenge, then we can track our credits specific to each camp. This is most similar to a new game.
How to Earn Credits
Credits are earned either by saving survivors who are in peril or by exchanging points. Points can be earned by visiting camp bounty collectors and turning in bounties and selling meat and plants to camp kitchens.
Variable Challenge: We can modify this and assign point values in place of credit with regard to survivor rescues in order to adjust the difficulty.
In this challenge, every 100 points earns us a full credit.
Variable Challenge: We can modify this and assign a different point value in exchange for a full credit in order to adjust the difficulty. Or we could increase the number of credits awarded for rescuing each survivor.
When exchanging freaker bounties and meat, we must sacrifice the entire stack of each particular item in order to access the points. For example, if we need 100 points and we have a stack of 93 points worth of swarmers and 8 points worth of runners, then we have to sacrifice 101 points to get the credit. The overage of 1 point is forfeited. We must plan accordingly.
Survivor Rescue
We earn one credit for each victim who is rescued. The following rescues count.
1) Survivors defending from assault by freakers
2) Survivors who are hostages of bandits and marauders.
Note: Survivors who are a part of story missions and camp jobs/assignments do not count.
Bounties, Meat & Plants
Bounties, units of meat and plants work on a points system. Each bounty type and each unit of each meat type has a different point value. All plants are valued at one point each.
Plants – Points Values
Plants have a special restriction. These can be redeemed in singular amounts and do not require forfeiture of a full stack in order to access the points. Only four of these can be exchanged during a redemption for credits. These are meant to provide the last few points needed in the case that we are exchanging bounties and meat and are within a few points of the goal to the next credit. For example, if we have anywhere from 96 to 99 points, then we can exchange up to four points of plants to get us to 100 points and a full credit.
Variable Challenge: This can be modified to our liking. We can make plants fully refundable, non-refundable, or anywhere in between. I added this restriction because plants don’t count for a great number of credits in the regular game and I wanted to retain this aspect of redemption in the challenge.
Exchange Rates for Plants | |
Plant Type | Exchange Rate |
Herbs | 1 point per plant |
Berries | 1 point per plant |
Mushrooms | 1 point per plant |
Meat – Points Values
Different types of meat have different values. This is based on both how dangerous and how rare each animal is that provides the meat.
Exchange Rates for Meat | |
Meat Type | Exchange Rate |
Crows | 1 point per unit |
Deer | 1 point per unit |
Wolves | 2 points per unit |
Cougars | 5 points per unit |
Bears | 10 points per unit |

Bounties – Points Values
The more dangerous and rare the freaker is, the more points a camp will associate with its bounty.
Exchange Rates for Bounties | |
Bounty Type | Exchange Rate |
Swarmers | 1 point per bounty |
Newts | 2 points per bounty |
Runners | 2 points per bounty |
Bleachers | 2 points per bounty |
Screamers | 5 points per bounty |
Breakers | 10 points per bounty |
Reachers | 10 points per bounty |
Ragers | 20 points per bounty |

Restrictions on Supplies, Services & Resources
Overview of Challenge Restrictions
This challenge will tailor the new game plus experience in a number of ways with regard to access to supplies, services and resources.
- No early access to the gun locker. Access must be purchased with challenge credits.
- No early access to bike performance upgrades. These upgrades must be purchased with challenge credits.
- No access to the fuel pump at the O’Leary Mountain base.
- Amount of gasoline in gas cans is randomized, generating less full refills.
- Gas cans that are either used or checked and found to be empty have a cooldown period before they can be checked again.
- Fuel pumps in the open world are restricted to purchase with challenge credits.
- Resources in hidden loot locations are restricted to purchase with challenge credits.
- Mechanic services are redefined in terms of challenge credits.
- Merchant prices are redefined in terms of challenge credits.
- Leon’s Drug Stash provides specific rewards toward weapons access and bike performance upgrades.
Merchant Prices
This challenge resets the pricing for all goods and services offered by merchants. Let’s take a look at the pricing structure for the resources we’ll need to use in order to survive the harsh world of Days Gone.
Once we have paid enough credits to access a specific weapon class in the gun locker, we can also purchase weapons of that same class from merchants at camps. We can feel free to purchase whichever weapons we desire, granted that we have sufficient in-game trust and credits to do so.

Camp merchants offer a number of supplies for sale. This challenge imposes prices for these items based on its own credit system. These prices are listed below.
Note: Once we upgrade our bike to have saddlebags, we may have to pay a multiple of the 2-credit-per-unit price on initial loading, depending upon how many units our saddlebags can hold. If we immediately upgrade to the maximum of four refills, then we would owe 8 credits to fill the saddlebags.
Camp Merchant Supplies Pricing Table | |
Item | Price in Credits |
Primary Ammo Refill | 2 credits |
Sidearm Ammo Refill | 2 credits |
Special Weapon Ammo Refill | 2 credits |
Saddlebag Refill | 2 credits per unit of refill |
Primary Suppressor | 1 credit |
Sidearm Suppressor | 1 credit |
Special Weapon Suppressor | 1 credit |
1 Medkit | 1 credit |
1 Flashbang | 1 credit |
1 Frag Grenade | 1 credit |

Gun Locker
At the beginning of the game, all of our previously purchased weapons are available via the gun locker. However, in this challenge, we cannot access any areas of the gun locker until we pay for access to that areas weapon class. Weapon classes are: primary, sidearm and special. Once we pay for access to an area of the locker, we can select any weapon to use in that class. Once we have accessed a weapon class, then we can also purchase any guns in that related class from any merchant, at any camp. We should have enough in-game credits to purchase whatever we desire. If not, then we’ll have to earn the required in-game credits to make those purchases. We must use guns that we find available in the world until we have access to the gun locker. We are allowed to keep the 9mm gun that is provided at the start of the game, after Boozer requests that we return his shotgun. We may also retrieve weapons from defeated enemies. Keep in mind that the only way to refill these temporary weapons are via ammo dropped by defeated enemies and ammo cans found in the open world.
Gun lockers can be found at Deacon’s O’Leary Mountain base, Deacon’s cabin at Lost Lake Camp, camp merchants, and activated NERO checkpoints.
Note: Weapon refills at the gun locker only fill up our reserve ammo, not the ammo in the magazine. This challenge’s weapon refill is for a complete refill, including the magazine. Therefore, if we both have purchased a weapon refill and either have less than a full magazine worth of ammo in a weapon or have not reloaded the magazine before initiating ammo refill, then we are allowed to both reload our magazine and access the ammo refill feature a second time in order to gain a full compliment of ammunition for the weapon.
Variable Challenge: This restriction can be either removed completely or upgraded to require credits to purchase access to each individual weapon. It’s each player’s choice.
Gun Locker Access Cost Table | |
Weapon Area | Cost |
Unlock Primary Weapons Class | 1 credit |
Unlock Sidearm Weapons Class | 1 credit |
Unlock Special Weapons Class | 1 credit |
Primary Weapon Ammo Refill | 2 credits |
Sidearm Weapon Ammo Refill | 2 credits |
Special Weapon Ammo Refill | 2 credits |

Mechanic Prices
Camp mechanics provide several levels of service: basic, performance, visual and paint. We’ll want to upgrade our bike ASAP in order to increase our mobility when traversing the dangerous landscape of Days Gone. Below is a breakdown of the cost structure for the services offered by the mechanics at survivor camps.
Basic Services
The suggested prices for basic mechanic services are below.
Variable Challenge: The values below can be modified to create more or less of a challenge. It’s up to the player. Experiment with the values below and find what works best for you.
Mechanic Prices – Basic Services | |
Service | Cost |
Bike Refuel | Fuel Cost Schedule 0% tank – 25% tank = 1 credit 26% tank – 50% tank = 2 credits 51% tank – 75% tank = 3 credits 76% tank – 100% tank = 4 credits |
Bike Repair | 3 credits |
Bike Retrieval | 5 credits |

Performance Services
At the beginning of every game, we lose access to our bike after the tutorial section that features Deek and Boozer going to Crazy Willie’s to find a gas pump for his bike. The next time that Deek has access to a bike, we find ourselves at Copeland’s Camp. Here, we have access to the mechanic at this camp, Manny. This challenge requires us to completely downgrade our bike. We’ll be building it back up from scratch with credits. Once we attain the required number of credits to access upgrades in the performance section, we can upgrade that bike part as far as we’d like.
Variable Challenge: We can remove this restriction or upgrade it to require any number of credits to each level of each bike part. It’s up to each player to choose their level of difficulty.
Bike Performance Upgrade Cost Table | |
Bike Part | Cost to Access Upgrades |
Engine | 1 credit |
Exhaust | 1 credit |
Storage | 1 credit |
Fuel Tank | 1 credit |
Frame | 1 credit |
Rear Suspension | 1 credit |
Nitrous | 1 credit |
Tires | 1 credit |
Forks | 1 credit |
Radiator | 1 credit |

Visual & Paint
Both visual and paint upgrades have only aesthetic effects. Therefore, this challenge does not impose any restrictions on these upgrades. We can feel free to upgrade these as much as we like, based on our available in-game credits.
Open World Weapons, Ammo & Resources
Gas Cans
We’ll primarily fill our bike’s gas tank from gas cans found in the open world. There are several gas cans scattered throughout each region of the world map. In a regular, new game, we can fill our tank with these gas cans. In this challenge, the amount of gas found in each gas can will be based upon the clock seed. Once we find a gas can, we will check the clock seed and compare it to the fuel tables below in order to determine how much gas is available.
Additionally, this challenge implements a cooldown on gas cans. This means that once a gas can has been either used or checked it cannot be checked again until certain in-game conditions are met by the player. Once a gas can has been used, then it cannot be accessed again until either two qualifying events have been completed within the same region as the gas can or one qualifying event has been completed within a different region. Qualifying events are listed below.
Gas Can Cooldown – Qualifying Events:
- Complete a story mission.
- Complete a camp job.
- Eliminate an assigned horde. Unassigned hordes do not count.
- Clear an ambush camp.
- Clear a full infestation zone.
- Rescue a survivor.
- Activate a NERO checkpoint.
O’Leary Mountain Gas
This is our main base. As such, we can always find fuel in the gas can here.
O’Leary Mountain Gas Can Fuel Table | |
Clock Seed | Gas Amount as % of Max Bike Tank Volume |
0,1 | 20% |
2,3 | 30% |
4,5 | 40% |
6,7 | 50% |
8,9 | 70% |
Ambush Camp Gas
When we take over an ambush camp, it becomes a satellite base for us. As such, we will always have some gas stocked. However, there will usually be less gas than at our main base.
Acquired Ambush Camp Gas Can Fuel Table | |
Clock Seed | Gas Amount as % of Max Bike Tank Volume |
0,1 | 10% |
2,3 | 15% |
4,5 | 20% |
6,7 | 25% |
8,9 | 35% |
Open World Gas
In the open world and outside of our base locations, we have about a 50% chance of finding gas, but we won’t find much.
Open World Gas Can Fuel Table | |
Clock Seed | Gas Amount as % of Max Bike Tank Volume |
0,2,4,6,8 | 0% (empty can) |
1 | 10% |
3 | 20% |
5 | 30% |
7 | 40% |
9 | 50% |
Example: Our bike’s fuel tank is currently at 23%, we find a gas can in the open world, and the clock seed is “3”. We would add 20% to our bike fuel tank, resulting in a fuel tank that is 43% full. We cannot check this gas can again until the cooldown conditions are met.
Fuel Pumps
Fuel pumps at gas stations can be used to refuel the bike. Each camp in a region manages the fuel pumps in that region. Deek is paying the camp in the region for the use of their fuel. The same cost schedule that applies to refueling at camp mechanics is applicable to using fuel pumps in the open world. See the Mechanic Prices – Basic Services table in the “Mechanic Prices – Basic Services” section above for the bike refuel cost schedule.
Note: The fuel pump at Deek and Boozer’s base at the top of O’Leary Mountain is non-functional and cannot be used. Also, fuel pump usage is similar to a merchant refuel: we must completely fill the tank. We cannot use the fuel pump if we do not have the credits for a full refuel.
Gun Lockers
As per the regular game, gun lockers offer access to both Deek’s full arsenal and ammo refill services. These ammo refill services are fulfilled by the camp in the region. This holds for this challenge, also. Therefore, see the price schedule in the Merchant pricing section above for ammo refill prices. Access to the arsenal is subject to what is detailed above in “Merchant Prices – Weapons” section.
Hidden Loot Locations
There are several, tucked-away locations in the open world that feature valuable equipment and resources: attractors, attractor bombs, smoke bombs, flash grenades, frag grenades, ammo cans, etc. In this challenge, these are weapons caches that are managed by the region’s camp. Therefore, Deek must pay for access to these resources by handing over credits to access these caches. The cost: 2 credits.
There are two exceptions to this pricing section. In the southern section of the map, Deek will find himself in two large regions: Crater Lake and Highway 97. There are only two locations that I am aware of that also feature resources similar to the hidden loot locations. One location is in Crater Lake. It can be found in a shed next to a set of houses just outside of the scorched grounds, near the Diamond Lake camp. Here, we will find a proximity mine. The second location is a NERO tent that is setup on the football field at Chemult Community College, next to the NERO checkpoint. In this tent, we will find a frag grenade. Due to the limited number of resources at these locations, there is a reduced price for each supply item. The cost: 1 credit.
Variable Challenge: We can either eliminate this restriction or upgrade it by either increasing the cost of the items or restricting access so that they cannot be used. As usual, this is the player’s choice. As a suggestion, the 1 credit cost could be removed from the hidden loot locations in the southern map since they are so few in quantity and are subject to respawn rates. Additionally, we can charge different credit prices per location, based on the amount of resources available.
Leon’s Drug Stash Rewards
In a regular new game, we are given a boost to both trust and credits when we turn in Leon’s stash of stolen drugs. In this new game plus challenge, we will replicate this effect. If we submit the drug stash to Copeland, then we are granted access to five of the ten possible bike performance upgrades. If we submit the drug stash to Tucker, then we are granted access to two of the three gun locker weapon classes.
Variable Challenge: We can remove this restriction or upgrade it to provide either less or more credits with respect to the areas we are granted access.
Leon’s Drug Stash Rewards Table | |
Recipient | Reward |
Copeland | 2 of 3 Weapon Classes in Gun Locker |
Tucker | 5 of 10 Bike Upgrades at Mechanic |
The main goal that we must reach is to achieve 100% completion on all storylines, except for the hordes storyline.
In this challenge, hordes are assigned at specific points, during the game. We must eliminate all assigned hordes.
Note: There are three hordes that must be eliminated because they are an integral part of story missions.
Story Mission Hordes | |
Horde | Mission |
Chemult Horde | You Alone I Have Seen |
Iron Butte Horde | Keep Them Safe |
Old Sawmill Horde | I’ll Save Some For You |
Hordes Assigned by Camp
When we go to see a camp leader to get a camp job, we are also assigned a horde to eliminate in that camp’s region. Check the clock seed and use that number to determine which horde has been assigned. See the horde assignment tables below for specifics.
Hordes Assigned by Broadcast
When Copeland goes on the air to deliver a Radio Free Oregon broadcast, he also signals a horde that needs to be eliminated in the region we’re currently in.
See the tables below for horde assignments per region and clock seed value.
Hordes – Additional Notes
If the clock seed is “0”, then there is no horde assigned. If we receive a duplicate assignment, then there is no additional assignment. For example, if we visit Copeland at Copeland’s Camp and note a clock seed of “1” multiple times, then we only take out the White King Mine Horde, and we receive no other horde assignment, at that time.
In the southern regions of Crater Lake and Highway 97, there isn’t an evenly distributed number of hordes, per region. Also, both camps are technically in the Crater Lake region. There is no camp located in the Highway 97 region. In order to mitigate balancing, Diamond Lake Camp has been associated with the Crater Lake region and Wizard Island Camp has been associated with the Highway 97 region. Also, all hordes in both regions have been evenly distributed between both camps.
This means that if we are in the Highway 97 region when a Radio Free Oregon broadcast comes through, then we would check the clock seed and check the list in the “Highway 97/Wizard Island Camp” table below. We would follow the same protocol in the case that we are in Crater Lake when a broadcast comes through. Additionally, when we go to see Captain Kouri at Diamond Lake to receive a camp job, we would check the corresponding list. The same goes for our visits to Colonel Garret at Wizard Island.
Cascades/Copeland’s Camp – Horde Assignment Table | |
Clock Seed | Horde Assigned |
1 | White King Mine |
2 | Death Train |
3 | Proxy Falls |
4,5 | Grotto Caves |
6 | Horse Lake |
7 | O’Leary Mountain |
8 | Cascade Highway |
9 | Little Bear Lake |
Belknap/Hot Springs Camp – Horde Assignment Table | |
Clock Seed | Horde Assigned |
1,2 | Shadow Lake |
3,4 | Patjens Lake |
5 | Lava Arch |
6 | Twin Craters |
7 | Bear Creek Hot Springs |
8 | Marion Forks |
9 | Belknap Crater |
Lost Lake
Lost Lake/Lost Lake Camp – Horde Assignment Table | |
Clock Seed | Horde Assigned |
1 | Westfir |
2,3 | Wapinitia Road |
4,5 | Berley Lake |
6,7 | Metolius Lava Cave |
8 | River Flow Farms |
9 | Sherman’s Camp |
Crater Lake
Crater Lake/Diamond Lake Camp – Horde Assignment Table | |
Clock Seed | Horde Assigned |
1,2 | Mt. Bailey |
3 | Mt. Scott Ski Resort |
4 | McLeod Ridge |
5 | Beasley Lake |
6 | Groose Gardens |
7 | Sagebrush Point |
8 | Chemult Community College |
9 | Beaver Marsh Rest Stop |
Highway 97
Highway 97/Wizard Island Camp – Horde Assignment Table | |
Clock Seed | Horde Assigned |
1 | Rimview Ranch |
2 | Cascade Lakes Rail Line |
3 | Juniper Ridge |
4,5 | Lobert Draw Ridge |
6 | Chemult Station |
7 | Solomon Hill |
8 | Rum Rye Gulch |
9 | Friendship Ridge |
In this challenge, we endeavor to complete the game without being either killed at any point or captured during stealth missions. As such, there are penalties associated with being killed or captured.
We also wish to finish the game as quickly as possible. The fewer the number of days gone by the time we’ve completed all goals, the better.
Death Penalty
If we die during the playthrough, then we incur the following penalties.
- Loss of 50% of credits.
- If halving our credits results in a decimal result, then round up.
- If we have one credit or less, then we have to subtract one credit from our balance. Negative balances are allowed.
- Must sleep at a camp for this death as a time penalty.
Capture Penalty
If we are captured during a stealth mission, then we incur the following penalty.
- Loss of 25% of credits.
- If quartering our credits results in a decimal result, then round up.
- If we have one credit or less, then we have to subtract one credit from our balance. Negative balances are allowed.
End Game Scoring
We can use the following scoring mechanism as a method of assigning a ranking number to our overall effectiveness at our latest run using these challenge rules. Lower ranking numbers represent more effective runs.
Variable Definitions
The following are definitions for the criteria we will track to gather the end game score.
End Game Scoring Table | |
Scoring Term | Definition |
Base Points (BP) | The number of days gone once all goals have been achieved minus 735 (the starting day of the game). (Days Gone – 735) |
Death Penalty (DP) | Number of deaths recorded times 20. (# deaths X 20) |
Horde Points (HP) | Number of assigned hordes eliminated in this run. |
Credit Points (CP) | Number of challenge credits remaining once all goals have been achieved. |
End Game Score (EGS) | Base Points minus Horde Points minus Credit Points plus Death Points. EGS = BP – HP – CP + DP |
For example, let’s say that once we’ve finished our current run we have died four times, we have eliminated twenty assigned hordes, we have a current balance of fifteen challenge credits and there are eight hundred fifty days gone. This is what our end game scoring would look like:
End Game Scoring Example | |
Scoring Item | Calculation |
Base Points (BP) | BP = 850 – 735 BP = 115 |
Death Penalty (DP) | DP = 4 X 20 DP = 80 |
Horde Points (HP) | HP = 20 |
Credit Points (CP) | CP = 15 |
End Game Score (EGS) | EGS = BP – HP – CP + DP EGS = 115 – 20 – 15 + 80 EGS = 160 |
In this example, our End Game Score is 160. This provides a baseline that we can use as a further challenge. We can track our scores and strive to beat our best score.
Variable Challenge: The Horde Points are always variable. This means we can’t control every aspect of the score. If we want to create a more stable scoring mechanism, then we can switch either the Horde Points or any other scoring criteria that we choose to focus on. It’s up to the player. Also, we could separate the horde points and use them to create a secondary criteria that indicates the level of difficulty of the run based on the number of hordes that were assigned.
This challenge provides a context that offers some resistance to the player, given all of the upgrades to Deek’s character at the start of a new game plus mode. There are several areas that can be modified to the preference of the player, offering opportunities to customize the challenge. Give this challenge a try and share your thoughts on it in the comments below!